What is Irish University, you ask? Irish University is a concept developed as a quick customer reference resource of some of the most common service issues regarding bar equipment.
A series of short instructional videos will be appearing on our website, Facebook page, and our YouTube channel in the very near future where anyone can reference them at anytime. Nothing coming out of your waitress station bar gun? We will have a video showing how to fix that. Only air coming out of your bar guns? Another video. How about one of your BIB pumps making a constant “clicking” sound? There will be a simple video showing you how to fix that.
Service Beyond 24/7/365
Our customers are already used to our superior service from our friendly, well trained technicians regardless of time of day or night. These short videos will serve as another tool in the toolbox for customers to view and learn.
Irish University Comments and Feedback
Feedback is important! Please tell us what you like or dislike about this new concept so we can make Irish University the best experience possible. Let us know what issues you are having and what future videos you would like us to post. So students, grab your pencil and paper, class will commence soon!