August 22, 2018

Heating Season Is Just around the Corner – Pre-Buy Your Propane from Irish Now and Save!

We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we’ve officially passed the halfway point of Summer 2018 here in Buffalo and Rochester, NY (and everywhere else in the Northern Hemisphere, for that matter).

That means that before you know it, there will be a chill in the New York air, and you’ll be tapping that thermostat button to keep things nice and toasty in your propane-heated home – and paying the price to do it, too.

If you want that price to be as low as possible (who doesn’t?), one of the best ways to do it is to pre-buy your propane gallons. By purchasing your propane in the offseason, you lock in your price for every gallon you agree to buy – which could save you hundreds of dollars if we have a winter like we had last year.

While buying your 2018-19 propane gallons now doesn’t guarantee that you’ll save the most money this year, early season prices are usually lower than those you’ll pay as supply dwindles and demand increases during the winter months.

If you previously purchased your residential propane gallons on a buying plan from us, now is the time to re-up your contract – just contact us and we’ll take care of you right away.

The bottom line: While there is no way to know for certain where propane prices might go in the heating season to come, an early season pre-buy almost always saves you money. But even if you chose to hold off on your propane purchase, you can rest assured knowing that whenever you buy your gas you’ll get Fair Pricing from Irish – we guarantee it.

Take advantage of pre-heating season pricing – buy your fall and winter propane now! Contact us today to lock in early season prices on your 2018-19 propane.

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