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Can I throw away an old propane tank?
August 24, 2020

Can I Throw Away An Old Propane Tank?

Social distancing closed down restaurants in Buffalo and Rochester earlier this year, driving many of us to use our propane outdoor grills more than usual. As a result, you might...
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Should I buy or lease my propane tank?
August 18, 2020

Should I Buy Or Lease My Propane Tank?

A propane tank is a simple piece of equipment – but because it holds high-pressure propane gas, it is critical to maintain it properly and to fix any problems that...
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Why is my propane tank hissing?
August 10, 2020

My Propane Tank Is Hissing! What Do I Do?

 If you hear a hissing sound coming from your propane tank, don’t immediately presume you have a propane leak (unless you smell a leak’s telltale rotten egg odor – in...
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How can I tell if I have a gas leak, and what should I do if I detect one?
July 27, 2020

How To Tell If You Have A Gas Leak And What To Do

Propane gas is a safe, effective and efficient fuel for your home heating and home comfort systems. As with any energy source, however, you need to be educated about how...
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Severe weather safety for your propane-powered home
July 13, 2020

Severe Weather Safety For Your Propane-Powered Home

Propane gas enjoys one of the safest track records of any form of home energy – but like any fuel source you need to take precautions when using it, especially...
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How much propane will I use this summer?
June 16, 2020

How Much Propane Will I Use This Summer?

It’s easy to forget how much propane you’re using once temperatures start to rise, since you aren’t running high volume propane appliances like space heaters, furnaces, boilers, or fireplaces. But...
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Get out of the house! Outdoor living with propane
June 1, 2020

Outdoor Living With Propane: Get out of the House!

We’ve all had more than our share of indoor time this year, but that’s sure to change now that Memorial Day is behind us. The good news is we can...
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Grilling healthy for Memorial Day
May 19, 2020

Healthy Grilling Tips For Your Memorial Day

We all know how great food tastes when it’s prepared on a propane grill. But can that great-tasting food also be healthy? You bet it can! Follow these five simple...
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Irish Companies: Growing with you
May 12, 2020

Irish Companies: Growing With You

When Bob Irish looked at gas-powered forklifts in Buffalo, NY back in the early 1960s, he didn’t just see a tool for warehousing– he saw an opportunity for his customers...
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Make heating bills more predictable with a Budget Payment Plan from Irish
May 4, 2020

Budget Payment Plan: Make Your Heating Bill More Predictable

With things are as hard to predict as they are right now, anything we can do to add a little stability and certainty to our day-to-day is a good thing....
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Irish Companies: Neighbors serving neighbors for 88 years (and counting)!
April 27, 2020

Irish Companies: Neighbors Serving Neighbors for 88 Years (And Counting)!

From humble beginnings as a Syracuse-based coal company to its current-day status as a modern, diversified, women-led business that spans two states and employs dozens of people, the history of...
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