Tips for Never Getting Caught With an Empty Propane Tank
Winter is approaching, and you want to be sure that you and your family will be comfortable and warm in your Central or Western New York home when the temperature drops. You don’t want to get caught without the propane your heater needs to heat your home. Do you know how to tell if your tank is full, empty, or somewhere in between?
The most reliable way to tell how much propane you have is to check your tank’s gauge. Some tanks come with a pre-installed gauge. You can also buy a gauge and install it yourself. Here are some things to know before you try to read your propane tank’s gauge.
Step 1: Locate Your Tank.
If you have an above-ground tank, it’s pretty hard to miss. You probably know where it is, but if not, just take a walk around your property. You’ll find it. Underground tanks can be trickier to find. Look for a small plastic dome. It will be a minimum of 10 feet away from your home and any other structure. Underneath the dome you’ll find the gauge for your tank. Now you’re ready to read it.
Step 2: Read the Gauge.
Most above ground and underground propane tanks use a float gauge system. Don’t worry, these types of gauges aren’t difficult to read. When you check the gauge, you’ll see a number between 10 and 80. That number represents a percentage. For example, if the dial reads 40, you have approximately 40% of a tank left of propane. If you know your tank’s capacity, you can calculate the number of gallons than percentage represents. If you’re really on top of things, you know your weekly propane usage and can calculate how long your current supply will last. Just remember, you never want your tank to completely run out of propane!
Step 3: Know When to Order More Propane.
It’s important never to let your tank get completely empty. When your propane levels get too low, air can get into your heating system. You’ll need professionals restart your tank if it ever runs out. And having air in your heating system can lead to expensive damage. As a general rule, you don’t want your tank’s propane level to go below 20%. Just keep in mind that your gauge isn’t fool-proof or perfectly accurate, so it’s always better to air on the side of caution and stay vigilant.
If Your Propane Tank Is Empty…
If you do find yourself with an empty propane tank, call the professionals at Irish Propane. We’ll get you back up and running in no time. We are available all day every day of the week and come through for our customers no matter how bad the weather gets.
The pros at Irish Propane are faithfully serving our customers in and around Buffalo and Rochester, New York. Irish Propane is proudly a certified women-owned business enterprise. Join our family of happy customers and let us take care of all your propane delivery needs.
If you’re looking for a reliable propane supplier in or around the Rochester or Buffalo areas of New York, choose Irish Propane. Contact us today and ask about our convenient payment plans.